WiFi Analyzer Premium Logo
Author: Abdelrahman M. Sid

WiFi Analyzer Premium

WiFi Analyzer Premium is a mobile app for iOS devices. It is an app that helps its users to analyze the coverage of WiFi networks. It is a free and paid for version. It is a great app for people who are looking to buy a new home, office or just looking for the best WiFi connection for their mobile devices. WiFi Analyzer Premium is a powerful app to analyze the connection of a WiFi network. It provides a diagram of the WiFi network, a list of the connected devices, a list of the available channels, and a list of WiFi networks in range. It also displays the WiFi signal strength in dBm.


WiFi Analyzer Premium has a lot of great features that people can use to find the best WiFi connection for their needs. With this app, people can see the WiFi connections in the same room, so they can find the best connection for their needs. WiFi Analyzer Premium also has a tool that can help people find the perfect location for their WiFi router to provide the best connection. WiFi Analyzer Premium also has a tool that will show the best WiFi connection for the mobile device. WiFi Analyzer Premium is a powerful tool for the iOS devices that offers a detailed view of a WiFi network. The app displays the WiFi signal strength in dBm, a diagram of the WiFi network, list of the connected devices, list of the available channels and a list of the WiFi networks in range.


WiFi Analyzer Premium is a great app that is very easy to use. The app is very user-friendly and is very easy to navigate. The app has a lot of different tools that are very easy to use. The app is also able to be customized, so people can find the best WiFi connection for their needs. The design of the app is simple and intuitive. It has a tabbed interface with small icons on the left side of the screen. The first tab is for the network information, the second tab is for the devices connected to the network, the third tab is for the WiFi networks in range, the fourth tab is for the available channels and the fifth tab is for the signal strength.

Information about usability

WiFi Analyzer Premium is a great app that people can use to find the best WiFi connection for their needs. This app has a lot of different tools that are very easy to use, and it is customizable to find the best connection for your needs. WiFi Analyzer Premium is also a great app that is very easy to use. The app is very easy to use and provides a lot of information in a quick way. It is a useful tool for any network administrator.


  • It provides many details about the WiFi network, including the network diagram, the list of connected devices, the list of available channels and the list of WiFi networks in range
  • The app provides a quick and easy way to measure the signal strength of a WiFi network
  • Is a stable and reliable app that is designed for the iOS devices
  • Is free to download
  • Is a useful tool for any network administrator
  • The app provides detailed information about the WiFi network, which is very useful for network administration
  • Is very easy to use and provides a lot of information in a quick way


  • It requires iOS devices to work
  • It only displays the signal strength in dBm
  • It only displays the WiFi networks in range, not the WiFi networks in the area
  • The app is designed for WiFi networks, not for 2.4 GHz networks
  • There is no possible way to monitor a WiFi Network in a specific location


WiFi Analyzer Premium is an easy to use, but powerful tool for the iOS devices that provides detailed information about the WiFi network that a user is connected to. It provides a lot of details about the WiFi network and the connected devices. It is a great tool for network administrators.